The Church joins the war to save the planet. The Anglican Bishop of Manicaland, the Rt Rev Bishop Eric Ruwona endorsed MAYAs Community reforestation project which aims to contribute towards fighting against climate change through positive action which is a manifestation of selfless love towards our only planet. Bishop Ruwona commended MAYA for donating some …
Category Archives: News
Environmental Protection Launched
MAYA together with it’s partners Protect Our Planet (POP) launched a tree planting campaign. The Campaign is aimed at mobilizing communities in Mutare not to just love and plant trees but to also nurture them and raise awareness amongst children, youths and adults about the issues of climate change and global justice. The campaign will …
MAYA commemorates 16 days of Activism against GBV and International Human Rights Day. Time to EQUALIZE!!!
The 10th of December is a special day where the 16 days of Activism Against Gender based violence reaches crescendo morphing into the International Human Rights day. Since November 25, MAYA and its partners especially those in the Speak It loud Network and the rest of the progressive world have been united in “oranging the …