Have you heard of our wish to start a nursery?
Have a look at our nursery project proposal, and make our wish come true!
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- Manica Youth Assembly Director wins Youth Impact AwardJussa Kudherezera, the Director of the Manica Youth Assembly (MAYA), recently received the Youth Impact Award from The List Awards by Identities Media 2024 in recognition of his significant contributions …
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- From Waste to Energy: Briquettes the new found Energy in Mutare, ZimbabweBy Samantha Mudadisi 1.0 Introduction Briquettes are a type of fuel made from compressed organic matter, like sawdust or coconut shells. They are manufactured in a number of different locations …
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- Happy Freedom Day AfricaOn the occasion of Africa Day commemorations, themed “Education Fit for the 21st Century,” MAYA joins the rest of Africa in celebrations by engaging in conversations and sharing insights on …
- Capacity building and Training of Community Monitoring Change Agents (COMA) is a necessary vehicle for community developmentCOMA Defined By Tinashe Muzama A community monitoring change agent is an individual or group that works to track and respond to social, economic, and environmental changes within a community. …
- The Heartbeat of our streetsBy Blessing Ngoni Tauro Their efforts, often unacknowledged,Are the beating heart of our society.But on this day, International Workers Day. Their labor was not forgotten.A token of appreciation,Was offered to …
- Happy International Workers Day as we Give Back to the CommunityThe El Nino-induced drought has had some devastating effects on the lives of women and children in Zimbabwe, so much so that it was declared a national disaster. The drought …
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- In MAYA’s Voice: A Poem on Preserving Nature’s VitalityBy Blessing Ngoni Tauro Amidst the rush of modernity,In our haste to build and expand,We’ve overlooked the wisdom of wetlands,With their vital, life-sustaining gifts. Chorus:Oh, without these precious wetlands, We’ve …
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- MAYA CONDEMNS THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT OF 23 CLUSTER HOMES ON THE HEADWATER WETLAND BELOW THE CECIL KOP NATURE RESERVE AND BETWEEN ARCADIA AVE AND PLANTATION DRIVE, TIGERS KLOOF.This vital wetland ecosystem provides critical environmental services and is home to numerous plant and animal species. MAYA calls upon the responsible authorities to take immediate action to preserve this …
- What to give our planet — and its people — for Earth Day? Climate Income is the perfect present by Joseph Robertson and Jussa KudherezeraAs Earth Day (April 22) comes around again, we find ourselves at a crossroads, with the path we choose likely to determine whether or not human beings can preserve a …