World Rainforest Day 2021

Manica Youth Assembly joins the rest of the world in celebrating World  Rainforest Day 2021, under the theme “How can we save our Earth”. June 22, 2017, was the first-ever World Rainforest Day.

A day is meant to draw attention and bring people together to think about how to save the rainforests from deforestation and to encourage action to preserve these vitally important ecosystems that are situated all around the world.

Rainforests are naturally forested areas with a high level of rainfall. They are responsible for a great deal of the earth’s oxygen, turnover and are home to a higher percentage of the World’s Wildlife, some of which are thought to be undiscovered. Due to the high level of biodiversity in these areas, forests have been responsible for some truly incredible discoveries when it comes to natural medicines. Therefore, rainforests preservation is in the interest of everyone on the planet, for the sake of the earth and of humanity.

For the past four decades, over one billion hectares ( a size equivalent to Europe) were destroyed. With this background information, we then begin to understand the paramount importance of this issue.

In conclusion, as MAYA, we urge people to Afforestate, Re-Afforestate, and Not to Deforestate to conserve our Earth.


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