By Jussa Kudherezera

The Matida Flats in Sakubva, a four storey residential block, are currently in a state of disrepair, posing a potential danger to its inhabitants. The building’s dilapidation has led to unsuitable living conditions, including foul ablution facilities, eroded foundation bricks, and overpopulation. The situation has also attracted pests like flies and rats, further exacerbating the health hazards. The flats fail to meet the basic standards for habitable accommodation, as outlined in the Zimbabwe Constitution, which guarantees citizens the right to decent accommodation in conducive facilities.

Calls for Immediate Intervention

Given the deteriorating state of the building, there are urgent calls for intervention from the responsible authority. The Urban Renewal project, initiated six years ago, has not resulted in tangible improvements despite allocated budgets and targets set by the Central Government. The current state of the flats has prompted advocacy for their immediate closure to facilitate renovations and prevent a potential disaster. The options proposed include either renovating the structure or constructing a new building, with the latter being considered due to the potential cost-effectiveness.

Impact on Residents and Surrounding Areas

The overpopulation within the flats, with two families sharing a room, has led to various social and health issues. These include rampant theft, prostitution, and compromised family living conditions. Additionally, the proximity of Matida Flats to the Sakubva district hospital raises concerns about the potential spread of diseases such as cholera and typhoid due to overcrowded and unhygienic living conditions.

Recommendations and Advocacy

MAYA, strongly recommends the shutdown of the flats until the facilities are brought up to standard. The organisation further advocates for the allocation of alternative accommodation or stands for the affected residents. Furthermore, there is a call for the council to carry out periodic renovations on the building to preserve it and avert potential disasters.In summary, the current state of Matida Flats in Sakubva presents a pressing need for immediate intervention to ensure the safety and well-being of its inhabitants. The situation calls for comprehensive measures to address the structural and social challenges faced by the residents. 

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